Hello! My name is Royd and this is my blog.
This site explores my core obsessions around living a life free from an office desk in order to think, write, research, and deepen my experience with family, friends, and my students.
These obsessions include:
- Story, its ubiquity, and its power to influence.
- Entrepreneurship, as a way to establish more time and freedom
- Learning, as a way to add depth in our lives.
Yes, these are seemingly broad subjects, but through the common theme Story, we are able to not only see its underlying structure, but understand how we as consumers and producers can employ it. More importantly, story allows us to shift our learning abilities, and leap over the blocks that keep us from achieving the best life we can life.
Ready to discover what's below the surface?
I'm happy you can join me on this beautiful adventure.
Royd Hatta
The "WV" Story Coach